Marrambidya Dabaamalang: Murrumbidgee Gathering

E3 art space: 27 May - 8 June 

Karin Bruton 

  • Karin Bruton Nest 2013, found and given seed pods, woven grass, date inflorescence, raffia 

"Reconciliation through weaving, sharing and caring for one another."

Join the Hands on Weavers Inc. for reconciliation through weaving, sharing and caring for one another. Utilising the river as a starting point for gathering ideas and exploration for what it means to be connected, members reinterpret the environment through weaving and the use of found materials. Join the weaving circle within the space for the duration of exhibition.

Tuesday 27 May, 3:00PM
E3 art space

Marrambidya Dabaamalang: Murrumbidgee Gathering - Media Release (131KB)