
The Art of Costuming and Tony Mott Rock Photographs

Main Gallery: 15 February - 6 April 

Tony Mott, Queen 1986 
Tony Mott, Queen, 1986, photographic print    

Presented by Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, two extraordinary exhibitions in one great show explore the intertwined worlds of music and costume.

The Art of Costuming: Costumes from Opera Australia:

Step into the enchanting world of opera costumes. Take a unique and intimate look at what goes on behind the scenes of an opera production, from the perspective of its costume and wig designers and makers. Discover the intricacies and nuances which bring a character to life through the magic of costumes. 

Tony Mott Rock Photos:

Tony Mott is one of, if not the, world’s leading music photographers. His images have a seminal place in the history of Australian rock. His portraits show music artists in both intimate and stage environments and his work ideally communicates the diverse and fascinating ways in which costume is used by musical artists. In this exhibition, Tony also shares the strange and wonderful stories of what unfolded behind the photographs.

Enraptured Media Release (95 KB)

CasulaOpera AustraliaLiverpool Council